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Do you want to become the master of your life? Do you want to feel the fulfillment and happiness with every part of your body and soul? I would be more than glad to champion you through your way of living your purpose with passion and abundance.

My name is Scott Epp. As a professional coach, I encourage people to connect with their authentic amazing self and find a unique mission in this amazing world. I lend a helping hand to guide you to the inner world deep inside yourself. That’s where you will find who you are; you will discover what your core values are and what really matters to you in life.

Self-awareness is the first step to success

I am excellent at connecting with people and inspiring them to pursue their greatest goals. For reaching the desired destination we should first understand who we are and where we are right now, in this moment. Through the coaching process I help my clients to evolve their personality type, unfold their strengths, skills and their outstanding potential.

I am passionate about creating coaching tools that help people get radical results fast. My computer game; The Abundance Coaching Values Game brings people through an adventure as they discover their most essential core values in life. As soon as your Core Values are discovered, I uncover and coach you on the techniques and strategies for making better decisions and getting greater results.

Find balance and harmony in of your 4 Pillars of Life.

The spheres of the coaching I offer are connected to every area of life. I lead people to living with passion and abundance in their 4 Pillars of life;

  • The Work and Finance Pillar of Life
  • The Love and Relationships Pillar of Life
  • God and Spirituality Pillar of Life
  • Health and Well-being Pillar of Life


If you are ready to take that next step forward, I am the right person to contact. I have already found my passion in life. I help people connect with their authentic amazing self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life. I enjoy coaching and empowering people to see new opportunities and outstanding gifts for their life.


Live each day with motivation and purpose

As a motivational speaking I illustrate the amazing potential each one of us holds within. I coach individuals, whether they are executives, people working in companies or just those who have aspiration to have new accomplishments in life.

I also coach small and large teams to develop effective peer performance and healthy cooperation. The results gained through my coaching are improved performance and productivity, growth in their mindset and constant success. As a Global Priorities Certified Values and Principles Trainer, I am able to bring 40 different values and principles for major corporations. Our values are the guiding stars throughout our journeys in life. I help people to build on their core principles in each circumstance, so that the road to success will be full of integrity and purpose.

Strong character, courage, vision and leadership – this is what I develop in individuals and teams around the world. I practice what I preach in every area of my life. I experienced the amazing benefits of the principles I offer.

I am also a Certified Heart life facilitator. Heart Life is a powerful Coaching tool that helps individuals and teams understand their levels of humility, love, fear and pride. It powerfully indicates where behavior is above the line or below the line. The teaching and coaching with this tool will help you and your team understands where you are at currently so that you can change your thoughts, beliefs and actions. I bring harmony between the mind and the soul, value and purpose in every action, abundance and fulfillment- this is what I claim you can achieve because you are amazing. You are worth. You were born to succeed!

Schedule your unique coaching session

If you are located in Sydney, we can have a one on one coaching sessions in a beautiful Eastern Beach. You can also meet me in my local coaching studio.

If you are in another country, we can set up a Skype meeting with you. Regardless of your place, I am eager to help you conquer the challenges in your life and build your way to success.

Click the button below and benefit from the free 45 minute life purpose plan session I offer to you. You are here right now for an amazing reason. You are here to open new horizons and charming sights in your life. Seize that opportunity and you will keep moving forward with inspiration and passion from now on.