Life Coaching Myths: The Lies We are Led to Believe and the Truth about Working with a Life Coach


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Life coaching is a fairly new trend that attracts a large variety of individuals.  In today’s modern times, it is often hard to find a healthy balance in life.  Work can take over with very little family time and inadequate financial results.  Life coaching is an option for those who feel a need to get their personal and business life more organized and productive.  However, it is pertinent to understand exactly what you are going to gain from the experience.  It may be completely different than expected.  Life coaching is not a magic fix all.  A lot of it has to do with changing your way of thinking to accommodate your present situation and find peace with what you have available to you.  Here are some common myths about life coaching and the truth about what really happens when you employ a coach of your own.


-Myth-Life coaching is a future and goal setting opportunity.

TruthLife coaches will help you accept your current situation and opportunities, and make the most of them.  Accepting your own reality brings contentment a lot faster than chasing far off goals.

Myth-A coach is expected to have a positive outlook on all things and to guide the client on how to do the same.

Truth-Balance is a much more attainable state of being.  Both positive and negative attributes can be obtained from every day experiences. A good life coach will help the client form realistic observations and understanding of the world around them.  Life is not always predictable and at times a major obstacle to balance is an idealistic outlook.

Myth-A life coach is there to help you with your life.  They do this work because they want to help people.

Truth– Life coaching is not a charity position.  They are there to get clients in a position to help themselves.  Think of a football coach.  Coaches of sports teams do whatever it takes to get the team members to get the job done.

Myth-All my problem will be solved if I employ a life coach.

Truth-Problems are a part of life.  Choosing to focus on problems and their solutions can become a daily task that eats up all of one’s timeLife coaching will help you to focus on what you CAN do not on magically fixing everything that comes at you.  Learning to live and work with the reality of problems and issues can help you to be more successful and lower stress.

-Myth-The life coach mentality is about changing standards and expectations.

Truth-High expectations are a cultural set of rules that inhibit our ability to make our own decisions.  Adopting societal norms often limits our ability to accept ourselves and our own unique ideas and abilities.  Raising expectations of ourselves does not help anyone to learn about who they really are and how to navigate our personal situation.


Life coaching Sydney can dramatically change your perspective on life and help you to gain a better understanding and balance of your individual experience.  The tactics used are tools to help you be more aware of your needs and to have a healthier outlook and coping skills concerning the obstacles life throws at you.  Life coaching is not a fix it all for your surrounding issues.  It should change you so that you can continue to be successful in a way that brings personal fulfillment.

Ways to Break Free From Being Overwhelmed


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Everyone at some point in life will become overwhelmed. There are a number of reasons why people become overwhelmed and not everybody will become overwhelmed by the same things. Here are some ways to break free from feeling overwhelmed.


Change Your Environment

The stack of papers or bills piling up on your desk or that camera reminding you of the videos you haven’t created yet maybe causing you to become overcome. You can simply change your environment, or de-clutter your normal environment.

Learn Something New

If you’re always feeling overwhelmed, it probably means you’re operating from a less than ideal state of knowledge or consciousness. Find something that interests you, and learn about it or how to do it. You may find yourself being less overwhelmed after learning this thing.



Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and give you more energy. So make sometime in your busy day, and get out in the fresh air and go for a walk or run.

Stop and Breathe

Deep cleansing breaths from the diaphragm not only help you to relax, but deep breathes actually massage your organs and help to release toxins out of the body. Pretty weird, but also cool at your body is designed to do this.

Don’t believe this, try it right now. Breathe in through your nose for a count of 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5. Then hold for a count of 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 and now exhale  for the count of 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Now do that 4 more times. Feel better?

Call Your Business Coach

Oh, you don’t have business coach Sydney? That’s probably one of the reasons why you’re so overwhelmed. Business coaches in Sydney hold you to the highest potential, providing support and guidance and keeping you focused. Without this support, it’s no wonder you feel overwhelmed. There’s a reason why EVERY athlete or ultra-successful business owner in the world has a business coach.

The best way from breaking free from being overwhelmed is the thing that works best for you. I personally find that going for walks, that don’t have a goal location helps me when I start to feel overwhelmed. When I was in high school and felt overwhelmed, I would open the freezer and just stare into it. I’m not sure what helped more the freezing cold air or seeing how organized the items were. One of my friend’s best ways to stop being overwhelmed is petting her dog and 2 cats, sometimes at all at the same time. Try different things out when you start to feel overwhelmed, you may be surprised at what calms you down and stops the feeling of being overwhelmed (See more at Abundance Coaching).

Companies Hire Motivational Speakers for Their Business Growth


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Yes I Can - Motivational ImageMotivation is the key to success. Without motivation no-one would put forth the effort necessary to achieve their goals. On a larger scale, without motivated employees, a business will struggle to achieve its goals. That is what motivational speakers such a great tool for making businesses more productive and employees inspired, optimistic, and assertive.

Motivated people can have their creativity boosted and do amazing things from the positive energy that flows from them. What motivational speakers Sydney do is help people step out of their daily routine and mind-sets and create new ideas and fresh innovations.

It is very easy to fall into a daily routine that soon become boring. You lose sight of the mission goals and don’t look past your daily input. But when you hear someone accentuating the positive outcomes of your goals and adding meaning to what you do, then motivation sets in. It makes you glad to be a part of the process rather than feeling like you’re just dragging out another day.

Motivational speaking is pretty much just another word for encouragement. It’s a way of reminding people why they are there. It refreshes the positive images that employees had when they first came on board, and renews the spirit within them to accomplish those goals.

 Hiring a Business Coaching SydneyWhen you hire a business coach Sydney you have a vehicle for not just rekindling enthusiasm fires, but for introducing fresh and new ideas. This is a great platform for bringing in something new and getting employees on board with enthusiasm. Companies go through ups and downs and hiring a business coach Sydney can help to ensure there are more ups than downs.

The job and goal of the motivational speaker, is to motivate. That means giving examples of goals and challenges and showing the rewards that wait on the other side. Inspiration is a powerful tool. People will do amazing things once they’ve been motivated to do it.

Motivational speakers relate to the average job, and tie it in with the mission goal of the company, building a bridge that explains how they depend on each other. Then they tap the emotions that come with success from dedication, and people come away wanting to do their best to ensure the success of their company.

Motivational ImageMotivational speakers are charming, charismatic, and compelling. In most cases, the CEOs or managers just aren’t equipped with the skills to keep employees motivated and dedicated to the company mission. They lack the people skills to instill that into their employees. When they bring in motivational speakers at specific time intervals, then once again they have a motivated group of employees, who are focused and have a fresh outlook on what the main goals are.

Motivational speakers in Sydney are a positive step toward company goals. So why not have some faith on professional motivation training and hire a professional motivational speaker in Australia.

Motivate Yourself? Business Coach in Sydney Offers Irresistible Motivation

How can you motivate yourself towards creating personal success in your life and in your business pursuits? Business Coaching Sydney offers motivational advice and services for you and your business in order to help you succeed in all your endeavors. Offering both business coaching and motivational speakers in Sydney both services are inspirational, valuable and will put you on the road to success.

There are many steps towards becoming a successful business owner and positive thinking individual that business coaching and motivational speakers in Sydney are trained to assist with. Coaches and motivational speakers give you the tools you need to become a successful businessperson or to apply positive thinking into your personal life. Create a flourishing self, free from negative thinking today!

Have a Vision –

Vision you create for yourself

Vision: You Create for Yourself

  • Stop thinking in terms of fear and apprehension! Poisonous thoughts can throw you off the path to irresistible motivation. As human beings we tend to focus on what we believe we can’t do instead of what we can achieve. Fear and apprehension are two negative binders to your motivation. Deconstruct the fear and realize that the vision you create for yourself is clear and attainable. Secondly, focus on a positive goal instead of creating a negative one.

  • Outlining clear goals is another key factor to creating a vision that is compatible to your goal. Allowing yourself to envision a complete future with goals that you are willing and able to accept and achieve propel you to execute hard work into a finished product. Allowing others to surround you and coach you through the process, providing a network of support for your success is a crucial component in individual and irresistible motivation. For doing all this you need to setup an appointment with a business coach or should look for hiring an expert.

Personal Pride –

Greatness That is Inside of You

Greatness: That is Inside of You

  • Taking pride in the work you provide for others and for the work you do for yourself can be painstaking, especially if you are your own worst enemy. Focus on the practical aspects of a project before moving on to the details. Getting caught up in the small stuff and sweating it can prove to drag a project or idea out further than anticipated. Rely on positive reinforcement from co-workers and friends to achieve the greatness that is inside of you! When you have completed a project or milestone ask yourself how you got there. Was it an easy road? What would you change given the option? What steps can you take to propel yourself into greatness the next time you take on a project or visualize a new personal goal?

  • Staying true to your goals and motivating yourself doesn’t stay at the office, it is carried with you wherever you go. Remember to take care of your body and mind; meditate, exercise, eat right, maintain valuable relationships. Together you can achieve greatness; it is there ready to break free.

For more Life Coaching, Business coaching and motivational coaching articles you can visit our blog at

Learn To Deal Life Problems with Life Coaching Sydney



Life coaching in Sydney is an industry that is growing very rapidly. People are waking up to the fact that having expert advice readily available when you need it is of great benefit. This is true in both the personal and business grounds. The goal of the life coach is to help people reach their goals.

Lonely Girl

Thinking to Choose the Right Path

We have a world full of people who have somehow missed the mark and need some help and guidance to get back on track. They have the skills and talents to be successful but have lost their focus and motivation. Life has a way of trapping people into small and large ruts. It gets to where a fresh look from an expert with a new perspective, who is well trained and highly qualified, is a real breath of fresh air. It’s like being in the ocean and someone throwing you a life preserver.

So many people are trying to be lone rangers. Anyone by themselves in this day and age is risking bombing out. It doesn’t have to be that way. That’s where life coaching Sydney makes a huge difference. They know what it takes to succeed. Even better than that, they know how YOU can succeed. They assess your every detail and create a life plan around your skills, gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses, and dreams. They cover the whole package.

Just like a football coach focuses on fundamentals, a life coach focuses on sound principles. They can help you shore up the weak spots and accent the strong ones. The life coaching industry statistics show that people with a life coach are far more likely to be successful than those without.

Beautiful Life

Enlightening Beauty of Life

When you think about it you’ll see it just makes good sense. If you want to be a great football running back, and trying to practice out in your back yard alone – wouldn’t you have more success if Barry Sanders was there giving you tips and pointers? Of course you would. Would you get better faster? Of course you would. It’s the same with a life coach. They improve all aspect of your life through guidance, support, advice, mentoring, and training.

How many times have you asked a friend who you thought might give you some helpful insight a question? Same thing again! Your life coach is your friend, and has the solutions. Life coaching Sydney is all about improving your life by keeping you focused and motivated and giving you all the support you need whenever you need it.

Helping Hands against blue sky

Holding Your Hands for Support


Many people are struggling and stuck and just don’t know what to do. Life coaches give the kind of insight to help you learn more about yourself and to see what’s holding you back. When you understand what life coaches teach you will learn the effective and big outcomes of life coaching. The life plan they create for you will be the goals and dreams that make you happy, because the plan is centered on you. If you are just surviving from day to day and lost your zest for life, consider getting a life coach and watch your life move forward. The life coaching industry statistics proves it works.

Find Out the Benefits of Using a Life Coach Australia



We have been hearing about coaching all our lives from sports to singing, but until recently the term had not been associated so much with life. When you think about it, parents coach their kids through life. A mentor is another term for a coach. Coaching has been all around us forever, but never has we seen it spread like it is today in life coaching.


It is proven that life coaching Sydney can overcome life problems and also makes you happy. It is both a practical and spiritual journey. It addresses not just the basics of finances, relationships, decision-making, management, and things like that.

It considers the human equation, speaking to confidence, ambition, goals, principles, values, reputation, and things involved with someone’s whole life situation. That’s why it is so successful. People who just can’t seem to reach their dream are usually lacking in just one or two key areas. A life coach can spot these and create solutions for solving them.


Why to Hire a Life Coach?

When you hire a life coach Australia you are getting much more than solid personal advice. You get a mentor, friend, counselor, a supporter, a success partner, and more. They have the skills for finding your weak points and showing your how to build them up. They can also show you how to further accentuate your strong points. They train you to be able to predict future challenges and how to not let them slow you down. You will be moving forward toward goals and aspirations based solely on you and your gifts, talents, and dreams.


When you see things turn around and yourself getting out of the rut, many positive changes begin to take place. You gain self-confidence and self-esteem. Your new-found competence and progress puts a new spring in your step. Your relationships improve, your business profits improve, and your work performance is enhanced. You find you have a joy and passion for life again that was lost in the shuffle before.


What Life Coach Do for You?

A life coach Australia gives you encouragement and support all along the way. They are there whenever you need them to counsel, advise, train, teach, and lean on. These are people who are motivated to helping you, and who have the expertise, training, and skills to do it.


An abundance coach can help you get untangled from the things that kept you from getting ahead. They understand how you got there. Their fresh perspective and positive input will give you the motivation to push on and this time succeeds, because you’ll be trained and equipped to overcome the things that stopped you before.

Think about it. If you wanted to be a great NFL quarterback, would you be better off practicing on your own, or would you benefit from Joe Montana being there to give you tips and pointers all along the way? Which would get you ready to play in the NFL quicker? That’s right. You need a life coach when you hit those ruts, to get you back on track and better than you ever were before. It just makes sense to invest in you. Find yourself a life coach today.

How Life Coaching Sydney Can Overcome Life Problems


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So many people today feel as if their life has no meaning or purpose. They are just work-horses sweating out every dollar to pay bills. They lack joy, confidence, hope, motivation, and inspiration. This is why life coaching is such a great idea. A Sydney life coach can help you climb out of that rut and put meaning and optimism back into your life.

Life Coaching

Abundance coaching is spreading like wildfire because it truly is needed in the times we live in now. Our lives are constantly pulled in 18 different directions, and we seem to be in survival mode. With life coaching Sydney you get the support and focus you need to put your life on a path to success. They can help create a life plan that puts you in the right career, something that is best suited for your gifts and talents, and brings joy to your life.

A life coach can give you a whole new perspective. Many times without outside input we are locked into our own ideas about how things are, and it takes an objective eye from an expert to reveal what is holding us back and keeping us down. Life coaches are great at detecting patterns that are actually roadblocks that keep us from success. They help you find solutions to what causes you to struggle and accent your positive skills and talents. Life is good when you’re in the right lane.

What They Do? 

They will assess every detail of your life and then apply their knowledge and skills to be your co-worker in the quest for fulfillment and happiness. They are more than just life trainers; they’re your friend, listener, counselor, evaluator, mentor, motivator, and business partner.

If you wanted to learn how to play the guitar, wouldn’t you hire someone who knows how to show you? It’s the same way in life. Many people get bogged down and can’t seem to find their way back up. With a life coach you can get back on your feet and be better than you have ever been.

The support you need will always be there, pointing you in the right direction. Their expertise is there for you and on your side at every turn. They can put the passion for living back into your personal and business world. They keep you motivated, help overcome obstacles, and show you how to better use the tools you already possess. You will find the true you, the person you always knew was there but somehow got suppressed. You can feel alive again, optimistic, joyful, confident, and empowered.

A Sydney life coach can get your life turned back around. You will have expert guidance at each turn in the road. If you are tired of being stuck in your rut, then life coaching Sydney could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Don’t put things off and let another dreary 15 years grind slowly by. Live a new life – starting today!

About Life Coach – Scott Epp

Scott works with people who want a breakthrough in life and are ready to make it happen. He is an expert at Success Coaching and he is known for helping people live with passion and have more abundance in life, business, relationships, mindsets and wellbeing. His 3000+ hours of coaching and mentoring have helped him become an expert in human behaviour, core values, abundance, confidence and peak potential. While he lived in Canada Scott was mentored by some of North America’s best performance coaches including Ted McGrath, Andrea Lee, Jeremie Miller and Tim Brownson.  Scott is the founder of Abundance Coaching and the Creator of your Abundance Life Wheel Game and the upcoming Abundance Coaching Core Values game. The Life Mastery techniques and tools that he and his team have created have established Abundance Coaching as a Leading Life Coaching company world-wide.  Scott’s life calling is to help thousands of people connect with their authentic amazing best self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life. You can get a free session and find out more about Abundance Coaching and Scott Epp by going to and

When Life Coaching Is Effective It Produces Big Results


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Why Have a Good Life Coach

There are many professed experts and life coaches that talk the talk, but do not necessarily have the tools to make their clients improve in their lives. It takes more than a presentation that highlights what can go right for people if they just believe in themselves, it takes real know-how and talent to take clients to the next level.


A Focused Motivator

Many life coaches are simply too preoccupied with other things going on in their lives to be totally focused on their coaching duties and when this happens it affects their ability to do their job well. They should be inspired and attentive with their work and do their best to make sure the people that they are trying to help are satisfied and have learned something valuable. If a Sydney life coach is not enthusiastic about what they are doing for clients then it will translate to poor results for everyone involved.

What Type of Coaching and Teaching Helps

It is good for a life coach to make their clients see their potential and the abilities that they have so that they can make improvements in their work and lives. It is also very important for the right type of information to be expressed and communicated in the proper way.

Just telling someone that they can achieve something or make certain improvements in what they are doing is not enough, a competent life coach also needs to teach clients better habits and practices that fundamentally change how they are going about things. Having the right tools at their disposal will help people to be in a position where they are doing things productively and seeing real results.

A Friend on Your Side

Having a reliable friend, family member, or colleague that you can get motivation from and help each other along the way is an excellent source of inspiration. Positive reinforcement and honest input will do a great deal to make your goals more attainable and it eases your mind.

It really helps when you have someone near you who has already done what you are trying to do and can help show you the way to get their too. You can always ask the important questions and get sound advice on how you can make it happen for yourself.


Success in Large Quantities

The sky is really the limit when trying to achieve things in your personal and business life and a good coach can help you get as far as you can dream. It is totally fine to reach for the stars and aim high with your goals and the right motivating factors can do so much to give you that extra push.

If you want to master your beliefs then go to: to schedule a free one-on-one with life coach Sydney Scott Epp.

Learn Basics of Leadership Training for Executives – Abundance Coaching


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At the point when a sales manager gets a promotion it’s typical that they were an effective sales representative. In any case, many of the skills which make a manager succeed as a business representative are as opposed to the abilities important to be a successful sales supervisor. Organizations know this and they take incredible steps in setting up these recently selected understudies for achievement – notably in the form of training.

A typical and well appreciated kind of management training is “leadership training” which is intended to create mindfulness and more prominent knowledge about the way in which sales managers identify with their teams and assistants. Despite the fact that initiative capacities play a critical, there’s likewise an alternate sort of preparing, frequently forgot —“sales management training”.

In essential, the most important roles of sales managers are to oversee, mentor and steer salesmen in the right way towards accomplishing a typical goal. Company administrators and sales leaders are in charge of setting up an organization’s vision and general business technique, and sales managers are tasked with implementing and executing these destinations. Without the crucial role of sales supervisors, an organization’s vision and destinations will never attain to. However in the meantime, sales managers are required to be completely outfitted with the right set of abilities and skills to guide their teams towards achieving these objectives. Being a leader you need to learn from the mistakes made by smart executives.

A typical question to ask would be— why are leadership training programs frequently used to coach sales managers? Having assumed leadership roles myself and took part in various leadership projects. I can validate the fact that leadership training programs are agreeable, as well as they boosted my respect toward oneself and the information I’ve picked up from them is extremely valuable. The main setback from most authority preparing projects is that they are to a degree squishy.


By “squishy” I mean that the information gained doesn’t ideally lead to execution. I may find that I’m result driven and my fellow colleagues are amicable. However knowing the characteristics of my team doesn’t constitute me knowing what they ought to be doing every day to accomplish their individual objectives. In spite of being a contemplative person or natural social butterfly, despite everything I have to utilize my management skills to drive the team towards accomplishing common goals. Although knowing how to relate interpersonally with my group is a vital aspect, however this capacity alone doesn’t place me in a more qualified position for my intricate and quick paced part.

The entire thought behind this article is because I accept that, in spite of the fact that sales managers to need training on leadership, yet it shouldn’t be at the expense of management training. How everything adds up is that sales managers need solid administration abilities the most for them to be effective in their roles.

Whenever you arrange a business administration preparing system for your staff, select a program that will empower sales managers create what their salesmen ought to be doing on a daily basis, and how sales managers need to use their time productively.

For more information go here and schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can do amazing things together! Also – feel free to call 0481 307 778 (Sydney, Australia). Find out how Abundance Coaching can help you and your team breakthrough!

How to get Guidance by Smart Executives from their Mistakes


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There is a great deal of administrators who do things right. They make strong moves that pay off and the stock does well available. The Chief is asked to be the keynote speaker at gatherings around the nation and is even seen on the spread of business magazines. Everybody’s content with the organization, including the examiners.

On the other hand, what happens when one of those administrators commit an error? The organization may go down on fire and the stock tanks. To maintain a strategic distance from all the oversights business coaching Sydney is expected to help your business development.

There are significant lessons to be gained from these administrators and ones that you would prefer not to pass up a great opportunity for. A late book by Sydney Finkelstein investigates this theme in incredible subtle element. A six year study was led about disappointment on an initiative level and what the most well-known reasons were behind such disappointment. He found that there were seven propensities held by unsuccessful individuals and these were clear inside all the organizations that were inquired about – actually when they crossed crosswise over different commercial enterprises.

The book, Why Savvy Administrators Come up short is a perused that you won’t have any desire to miss. It can help to recognize abilities that you may have and why it’s a decent thought to figure out how to overcome then so you don’t commit the same error as an official has effectively made.

Some individuals say you can gain from your slip-ups and that is valid. Nonetheless, why would it be advisable for you to need to make them and afterward gain from them when the simpler arrangement is to gain from the missteps that others have made?

This is the place life instructing in Sydney can turn into your closest companion. You can take in the brain science of what goes ahead with an official and their disappointments and in addition the business side of things. In the event that you need to be effective, it’s not pretty much taking in the seven propensities that are held by unsuccessful individuals. You additionally need to know how to change the propensities in the event that they influence you so you can move past the different obstacles that are as of now remaining in your direction, and you can get involved with business coach Sydney.

Whether it’s that you need inspiration or fail to offer the capacity to talk your psyche, these are propensities that can be broken with the right honing. A considerable lot of the greats have acknowledged life guiding. It’s not an inability to request help. It’s an indication of quality to perceive and concede that you need help – and afterward to search it out. At the point when with the right mentor, you can be a superior individual, be better at your vocation, and not commit errors that others have made – which can spare you a great deal of time over the long haul.

Begin gaining from the oversights of administrators now so you don’t need to commit the same errors that they have.

For more details and information about business coaching Sydney click here.